what's imposter syndrome and how you can overcome it

Career Change

What’s Imposter Syndrome? How To Overcome it in 30 Days

I'm Rayla Maurin
An ICF-Certified Executive Career Coach. I started this blog to share 15+ years of corporate experience to empower you to make a career change without settling or burning out in the process!
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What's imposter syndrome? How to overcome it in 30 days.
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What’s imposter syndrome? These days, it’s a buzzword that just about every coach has a remedy for:

Fake it until you make it!

I don’t believe in addressing imposter syndrome (IS) this way. We all experience it, but many people aren’t willing to actually change anything.

So, instead of giving you the typical “fake it” remedy, let’s talk about tangible ways you can start to feel like you belong.

What’s Imposter Syndrome? 

Imposter syndrome is felt predominately amongst high achievers who question the legitimacy of their status. 

The definition of imposter syndrome is “the persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills.”

Some words you might use to describe yourself during this time period include:

  • Fraud
  • Lucky
  • Newbie
  • Not as good as (insert name of someone who has more money, followers, creativity, etc).

Notice I said, “during this time period.” IS is not a forever thing. Now, are these accurate words to describe yourself? Maybe.

But from here on out, you’re the only one who gets to decide whether or not you continue to excel. 

How Does Imposter Syndrome Develop? 

what's imposter syndrome?

Imposter syndrome starts to develop when you question whether you can survive or thrive in your current role. 

To survive, you need financial stability. You need to have a skill that people will pay for so you can eat, drink, and be merry.

To thrive, you might need an exceptional skill that people will notice and appreciate. Thriving can be defined as  “to grow or develop well, to prosper or to flourish.”

Imposter syndrome starts to creep in when you start to wonder if you can survive your job. And it’s not always about lacking skills or confidence to do your job. Sometimes you just don’t feel connected with the people in your work environment. 

Maybe your co-worker gets super jazzed and motivated to work on a project and you don’t. That’s when you find yourself questioning whether you belong here. Why aren’t you excited to work like everyone else?

It can also develop when you think you’ve reached a certain threshold. You’ll question whether or not you can continue to thrive. 

According to a 2018-2019 study, imposter syndrome is the most prevalent in women (94%) between the ages of 30-39 years old (43%). They also deduced that IS is “particularly high among ethnic minority groups.”

3 Steps To Overcoming Imposter Syndrome in 30 Days

overcoming imposter syndrome

Now, if you truly feel like you just got lucky or you’re not as good as someone else in your industry, then there are steps you can take to simultaneously attack your weak points and your so-called “imposter syndrome.”

Don’t get me wrong; I know that imposter syndrome can be debilitating. It can lead to depression, anxiety, self-sabotage, and burnout.

That’s why I created this short exercise. I recommend completing each step within 30 days. If you still feel like a fraud, repeat the steps. 

More than likely, you’ll only need 30 days because the simple act of tackling an issue is going to boost your confidence. You’ll begin to trust yourself because you’re taking action to thrive.

Step 1: Get more experience 

What’s frustrating about imposter syndrome is the idea that you have to wait to get what you want. 

You are the driver of your own life. You get to decide which route to take and how fast you get there. 

If you don’t think you have enough experience to thrive, then take initiative and get more experience.

Your Homework: Apply for an apprenticeship or ask a superior if you can shadow them for a week. You can also seek out a mentor or offer a skills exchange. 

Step 2: Educate yourself

You might feel like you’re not smart enough to get the thing that you want. 

Do you know how you fix that? By educating yourself!

Knowledge builds confidence. This is probably because we’re taught in school that if we get an A on a test, we’re smart. Our knowledge is validated. 

In real life, we have few ways to prove our abilities when we’re not given the chance. So, in lieu of showcasing your skills on the job, take the initiative to educate yourself further through courses and certifications. 

Your Homework: Get the education it takes to fulfill your goal. Take a Hubspot of Google certification course or browse Skillshare for a class you can take. Hell, you can even watch YouTube tutorials. Just make sure you put what you learn into practice so you can also learn by doing

Step 3: Ask for the thing you want

What is it that Nike always says?

Oh yeah— Just do it.

Do you want a job in a new industry? Ask for a chance to start entry-level with the knowledge and skills you have (another reason Step #2 is so beneficial). Be honest with your limitations, but be willing to learn. 

Do you want a raise or a promotion? Just ask for it! I know it’s easier said than done, but you’ll never know what you can get if you don’t ask for it.

You don’t need confidence to ask for these things. You can be a nervous wreck and still ask. However, you tone that imposter syndrome feeling by going into the meeting prepared. Show them the shadow work you’ve done, the new courses you’ve taken, and the progress you’ve made over the years.

Your Homework: Schedule a meeting with your supervisor to ask for that raise or promotion. Or, apply for that job that you think you’re not qualified for.

You don’t need to know everything to survive and thrive. You just need to prove to yourself that you’re willing to make shit happen. 

If you’re looking to create a resume that will make you feel confident and ready for the next step in your career, join my Resume Masterclass at this link.

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