
Is It Too Late To Chase My Dreams? 3 Examples of How To Achieve Life Goals at ANY Age

I'm Rayla Maurin
An ICF-Certified Executive Career Coach. I started this blog to share 15+ years of corporate experience to empower you to make a career change without settling or burning out in the process!
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Is It Too Late To Chase My Dreams?

You’ve probably thought this before. But do you believe it?

I’ve been a life and career coach for a while now, and I can tell you that most people do believe it’s too late to chase their dreams. There are many reasons why people don’t go after their dreams, but the main one is this:


They think: “If I’m going to chase my dreams, I need to sacrifice everything else in my life.”

The truth is that there is no such thing as “too late.” There is no age limit to chasing joy. If you have something you want out of life, then today is the day to start working towards it.

It’s not easy, though, especially if you’re feeling stuck or discouraged about your current situation.

And if I’m being honest, that’s what happened to me. I felt disconnected from my job and my purpose.

I knew I wanted to be a coach more than anything. The tug of war in my brain every day made it feel like it was at max capacity. 

I couldn’t do everything— so I quit everything instead. 

I don’t want that for you. Let me tell you what I would do if I had to do it all over again.

How To Achieve Goals For a Life of Happiness and Success

How To Achieve Goals For a Life of Happiness and Success - sticky note

I’ve been where you are. Your multi-passionate brain is running in every direction, trying to decide what type of life you want to live.

In hindsight, I should have taken a short sabbatical to relax, rest, and plan how I could chase my new dream. So, before you quit your job, let’s work on a plan of action.

Don’t limit yourself, fellow multipotentialite. It’s time to go after everything you want. 

3 Examples of How To Achieve Life Goals 

It’s a common human desire to want more out of life. We all want to be happy, and we all want to do something meaningful with our lives.

So stop wondering if you’ve already missed your chance or are too old or too young. As I said, it’s never too late to chase your dreams. 

Here are 3 examples of steps you can take to achieve your life goals:

#1: Look at your current situation.

I’ll be honest with you, I’m not a massive fan of New Year’s resolutions. They’re arbitrary, they’re unrealistic, and they don’t last. However, I do think it’s important to look back at the past year and evaluate what happened in your life.

Did you achieve all of your goals in the last 6-12 months or just some of them? Did none of them happen? What could have gone better?

The main reason most people don’t fulfill their goals is that what they set out to accomplish doesn’t align with who they really are.

Start with getting clear on what you want to do and where you want to go in life before you decide how to move forward. If aspects of your current situation aren’t working for you anymore, then make a plan for how to change them — whether it means quitting your job or moving across the country. No dream is too big or too small.

#2: Stop thinking so much. 

There’s this quote from Bill Murray that I think about often.

“I always want to say to people who want to be rich and famous: ‘Try being rich first.’ See if that doesn’t cover most of it.”

In the 1992 interview, he talks about how success to him (and his eight siblings) wasn’t defined by how much money they made but by whether or not they could make their dad laugh.

Here’s the full interview if you want to watch it:

So, ask yourself this question: What would success look like to you if money were not an issue? Would it be to make people laugh, lead them towards success, or (if you’re like me) coach them out of uncertainty?

You’ll realize that the things you’re overthinking— social media, money, fame— don’t matter much. They’re just distractions from what really matters:

Having a purpose in life and feeling fulfilled by it.

#3: Start taking action.

Once you know what it is that makes your heart sing, then it’s time to act on it.

Too many people think that success happens overnight. But that’s luck, my friend— and you can’t manufacture lifelong luck.

Don’t get stuck in the loop of planning, planning, planning. This becomes the biggest time waster and why it seems like you’ll never have enough time to accomplish everything.

Some ways you can take action toward your life goals are:

  • Take on a new role at work
  • Create a website
  • Post (confidently) on social media
  • Ask for a promotion
  • Shadow a mentor

The first step to starting the career you want is tailoring your resume experience to help you make the best career change for you.  Join my Masterclass and learn how to prepare the resume that will launch you toward your goals. Click Here.

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