when it's time to quit your job

Career Change

How To Write A Resume for a Career Change: Repurposing Your Experience To Make Your Next Career Move

I'm Rayla Maurin
An ICF-Certified Executive Career Coach. I started this blog to share 15+ years of corporate experience to empower you to make a career change without settling or burning out in the process!
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You need a new job. You’re at the point in your career where something has to change. You’ve been denied promotions and raises, and you feel undervalued and underappreciated. 

The question is how to make a job change without losing your status or income.

You may be feeling stuck because you can’t leave your current job, and you don’t have the time to start a side hustle. Or maybe you’re looking for a change in industries, but you’re worried that you lack experience in certain fields (which will result in a loss of pay). 

What if I told you that there’s a way you can repurpose your experience to make your next career move?

Here’s when to consider making a job change

Listen, I get it: it’s difficult to call it quits when you’ve put so much time and energy into a relationship (work or otherwise). 

Instead of looking at it as time wasted, look back at how much educational value it has brought you. 

Try this exercise:

  1. Look back and write down 3 things you learned throughout your career.
  2. Write your top 3 skills you now have thanks to your current role.
  3. Think about and write down 3 beneficial relationships you’ve acquired.

Nothing is done in vain if you look for the positives. 

That being said, there is definitely a time when enough is enough. Here’s when to consider making a job change: 

  • You’re showing unrelenting signs of burnout. You dread going to work, you’re overwhelmed, or you don’t look forward to going in anymore. 
  • You haven’t received a raise in over a year. Indeed recommends asking for a raise every year.
  • You’re overqualified. You can get your daily tasks done in just a few hours. 
  • You haven’t been promoted. And yet, you’re training new management or employees.
  • You have a backup plan. Or money saved for 3-6 months. 

Related: 5 Burnout Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

How To Repurpose Your Experience To Make Your Next Career Move 

woman trying to figure out how to quit her job

Not everyone can just up and quit their job. You might not have money saved and you might not have time to take on a side hustle. 

While I do believe you’ll have to sacrifice some time to start a new career, there are a few small steps you can take to ensure your next role fits your expectations. 

Here’s how to make a job change without risking time or money.

Step 1: Describe your perfect day

I use this as step one because, like you, I don’t dream of working. But work is a necessity for survival.

So, instead of focusing on what your perfect work-life would look like, write down what your ideal day would entail. Answer questions such as:

  • Do you wake up and go to work or are you working a night job?
  • How many hours are you working?
  • What skills are you improving on every day?
  • Are you working at home or in an office?

This can help you determine what kind of role would be fulfilling for your work-life balance. Use this knowledge to research jobs that allow you to live your life the way you want. This might mean becoming an entrepreneur, searching for remote work, or finding a night job over a day job. 

Step 2: Analyze your skillset

If you want to know how to quit the job you have been at for years without feeling like you’re starting over, then just look at your skills. 

For example, a writer isn’t restricted to working as an author. They can also use their way with words to be a:

  • Technical writer 
  • Blog writer
  • Copywriter
  • Scriptwriter
  • Content writer
  • Email writer

A writer also makes an excellent marketer. They use their creativity to come up with engaging social media posts or videos, and they use their research skills to determine what’s trending in the market. Try to think outside the box. 

The goal is not to restrict your job search to your job title. Any one of your skills can be used as leverage to get a new job— and keep your pay grade. 

The next step is to compile this list of skills and see what previous projects you can use to prove your experience. Use presentations, graphics, or personal case studies to create a portfolio to send along with your job applications.

Step 3: Take on more responsibility— for your benefit

The best way you can prove to a new company that you’re ready for a leadership position (and a pay raise) is to have social proof. 

In other words, if you don’t have experience as a leader, create one. Becoming a mentor helps to create a mutually beneficial relationship. You’re learning how to manage workers while getting a closer look at what questions need answering.

If you still feel unsettled about making a career move because the process feels daunting, click below and join my signature Masterclass ‘Upgrade Your Resume‘.

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